
Bi-Centennial Transaction

Volume XXIII 2014-2016

Part I

  • Making links: processes, dynamics and systems [broadening the scope of geological interests, present and future to encompass the environmental sciences], C N Page, Preface, XXIII: 2-3, 2014. (a retirement editorial written for the RGSC'S 200th anniversary) - Link
  • The value of abandoned mined sites for wildlife: the triumph of nature over our industrial past, A Spalding, XXIII: 4-15, 2014.Link
  • Elizabeth Catherine Thomas Carne: A 19th century Hypatia and her circle,

    K M Hardie-Budden, XXIII: 16-39. Link

Part II

  • Index and Bibliography of Papers in the Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall (RGSC), 1814-2016. Published on CD, D Freeman, J C Elliott, K M Hardie-Budden, 2016.

      1. Contents - Link

      2. Index by Authors - Link

      3. Index by Subject - Link

      4. Index by Volume and Date Order of the Transactions - Link

      5. Index of Presidential Addresses - Link

      6. Other Publications of RGSC - Link

      7. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall 2016 - Link


Below links to some RGSC Transactions from 1818 to 1904

The picture to the right of the hyperlinks is taken from the 1818 Transactions Volume One, showing Wherry Mine, Mounts Bay

Transactions Volume One - 1818

Transactions Volume Two - 1822

Transactions Volume Four - 1838

Transactions Volume Six - 1841

Transactions Volume 6 pt 1 - 1841

Transactions 1843

Transactions Volume Five - 1843

Transactions Volume Five - 1843

Transactions - Volume 8 Part 2 - 1871

Transactions Volume Nine - 1875

Transactions Volume Eleven - 1895

Transactions Volume Twelve - 1895

Transactions Volume Eight pt 2 - 1871

Transactions Volume Nine - 1875

Transactions Volume Ten - 1887

Transactions - 1904


Please note: below is under construction and not yet available


The RGSC has scanned all its transactions and put them into pdf and split them into individual papers.  Click on the links below to search all 23 Volumes 

Please note: The papers in the following volumes were read, communicated by letter, and accumulated over the full period of the published volume, often meaning over several years; this is the closest approximation we have to the dating of observations and evidence. Where an exact date appears in the paper, this is included. Most contributions were undated until Volume III, and were not necessarily printed in the chronological order of their delivery. The date appearing at the end of the entry is the publication date, even if read to the Society much earlier.

Transactions Volume I    - 1814-1818

Transactions Volume II  - 1819-1822

Transactions Volume III - 1823-1827

Transactions Volume IV - 1828-1832