Please download the following forms which include advice on how to join the RGSC
Membership Application and Renewal Form - Link
Banker’s Order Form (for you to send to your bank. Please do not send to the Secretary) Please help our Membership Secretary by paying on 1st April each year using the Banker's Order form. This enables us to receive payments directly from your Bank to the RGSC account. Banker's Order Form Link
Gift Aid Form - If you are a taxpayer, donating through Gift Aid means charities can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. Your donations will qualify as long as they’re not more than 4 times what you have paid in tax in that tax year (6 April to 5 April). For the Gift Aid Form - Link
Nomination Form - Link
2024 Annual Subscriptions - Message to Members It’s nearly 1st April and time for our membership subscriptions. This is a reminder to check your standing order for your RGSC membership will go to the new Co-op bank account on 1st April. If you have already changed it, thank you, otherwise please follow this guidance. If you have internet banking, use a banking app or telephone banking this is what you need to do: Log in to your banking system Find your existing RGSC membership regular payment/ standing order. If you can change it, choose that option, otherwise you will need to cancel it and set up a new regular payment/ standing order. The bank details you will need are: Account name: Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. Account type: Business. Sort code: 08-92-99. Account number: 67294781. Your banking system should recognise this is a valid account, and you can then set up your membership payment amount. If you bank in a branch, please complete a new standing order form using the details above (you may need to do this in your local branch, or download the form using the link above). You may also need to ask your bank to cancel your existing standing order to the old HSBC account. Thanks very much.